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The Most Innovative, Creative, Puppet Maker in the World!Folkmanis® believes imagination is the key to a healthy childhood, encouraging play and discovery to develop the skills necessary in life. The company has been making the most innovative and engaging specialty puppets in the world since 1976, delighting imaginations and winning nearly every industry, child development, and kid-tested award - many repeatedly.A gift of a puppet encourages imaginative, open-ended play, endearing hugs, and snuggly companionship. Folkmanis® introduces another stellar lineup of puppet gifts for 2010.

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Black Cat Puppet

Feline fans don't care much about superstition when it comes to the new Black Cat puppet. Stretched out and ready for playtime, this cool kitten has sleek, short, ebony plush with movable mouth and front legs. Intense eyes convey that this cat means business to any who dare cross its path. [more info...]

Bobcat Kitten


Dog, Sitting Hand Puppet

The ball's in your court, but this dog wants it back! Eager as only a dog can be, he's more than ready for playtime. Animate his mouth with one hand and wag his tail with the other and you'll have people wanting to come and pet him! [more info...]

Dragon, Baby Hand Puppet

Sitting on his rump, tail curled and reaching for MOM, he may look harmless, but watch out! This BABY DRAGON puppet is a fierce creature in training. Animate his arms and mouth and he'll light fires in your heart. [more info...]


Folkmanis Small Eagle [more info...]

Jester, Yorick Character Puppet

The JESTER puppet, named YORICK, is a bundle of fun just as his real-life counterpart would be. Designed wearing vibrant red-purple-and-gold outfit and hat, the Jester is 18-inches tall and a two-handed puppet. [more info...]

Mini Bear, Black Finger Puppet

A tiny MINI BLACK BEAR finger puppet wanders through forests of the imagination, prowling and growling and sniffing the air, all at your fingertips. [more info...]


MINI FOX PUPPET....Need a friend? Let this clever Mini Fox finger puppet wile a smile out of you! Slip this little guy on your finger and he'll have you feeling foxy in no time. [more info...]

Mini Frog Finger Puppet

The Folkmanis® MINI FROG finger puppet will have kids jumping with joy! [more info...]

Mini Otter, River Finger Puppet

Mini Otter, River Finger Puppet from Folkmanis. [more info...]


PIGLET PUPPET....With its sweet smiling face and curlicue tail, this PIGLET PUPPET is all yours to sing along with your favorite barnyard tunes, zip-line through the forest, or snuggle in your arms. [more info...]


Cat, Ringtail Hand Puppet from Folkmanis. [more info...]

Terrier, Jack Russell Hand Puppet

Terrier, Jack Russell Hand Puppet from Folkmanis. [more info...]


Spring will be even more fun with our playful friends! [more info...]