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Dig Into Fossils Books
Our exclusive full color books are just the right size for kids of all ages. Each book features engaging illustrations, photographs and fun-to-learn facts. [more info...]
Brazilian Geodes
These geodes have been carefully sliced and polished to reveal rich interiors. Each 2.75" - 3.5" specimen is unique. [more info...]
Dino Skeleton Mini Excavation Kits
New & Improved! Featuring premium quality, lighter dig block material. These polypropylene figurines are more flexible and durable than ever before with an antique fossil color finish. This proven top seller features 6 different types of dinosaurs in the assortment of 36. Each kit comes with a chisel and a brush. Free display included! [more info...]
Fossils Mini Dig Kits
New & Improved! Featuring premium quality, lighter dig block material. Each block contains two fossils, which can be identified with the guide included in each kit. Each kit comes with a chisel and a brush. Free display included! [more info...]
Moroccan Geodes
Break Your Own Moroccan Geodes have beautiful crystals on the insides! [more info...]
Explore with this mini Ice Age Animal Mini Dig Kit. These fun pocket-sized kits also include a chisel, a brush and a dig block. Excavate the poly-resin skeleton from the block and it’s ready for assembly. All you need is glue! each kit contains one of three available in this series. [more info...]