Trophy Music Co
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1st Note Slide Whistle
This value-priced slide whistle is perfect for adding fun sound effects into your classroom! Colors vary [more info...]
1st Note Fife
Easy to play wind instrument with raised finger-holes provides an excellent introduction to music. All of First Note's wind instruments come with fingering charts and simple songs [more info...]
1st Note Finger Cymbals
Metal finger cymbals are played like castanets. Provides bell-like "chinging" sound. [more info...]
HOHNER TRANSLUCENT HARMONICA.....From “HOHNER,” the most famous name in harmonicas, colorful and transparent – these harmonicas allow the player to see the inside reeds and how it all works. Various Colors. [more info...]
MELODEE BELLS....8 brightly colored hand bells are each perfectly tuned (F to F) and are color/letter coded for easy play. Includes songbook. [more info...]
Music Maker
Just slide a song sheet under the strings of the beautiful Melody Harp, follow the dots with the pick and wow - you're playing music! [more info...]