With this motif, Laurel’s hope was to speak in the universal language of symbols that touch us all, and her flowers certainly have the ultimate ability to do just that. With a bursting of brilliant wildflower blooms, Laurel’s florals are a never-ending source of happy inspiration and joy.
Format: Midi
Size: Width: 120mm (4¾") x Height: 180mm (7") x Depth: 18mm (¾")
Interior: Address Book
Page Count: 144Pages
Closure: Elastic Band
Colour: Black
GSM (paper weight): 120
Binding Type: Smyth Sewn
Cover: Hardcover
Edge Printing: No
Pouch Type: Memento Pouch
Interior Paper: Custom-designed laid paper
100% recycled binder boards
Decorative printed cover paper
FSC-certified text paper
Threaded stitching and glue, as needed
Acid-free sustainable forest paper
Thumb cut page edges