Morse held the belief that the book designer must take the central idea of the book and creatively depict it on the cover. For this binding, one can imagine her creating train tracks crisscrossing a map, or perhaps even the spokes of a compass, in the gold stamping she patterned.
Format: Midi
Size: Width: 120mm (4¾") x Height: 180mm (7") x Depth: 18mm (¾")
Interior: Lined
Space between lines: 6.67mm
Lines Per Page: 21
Page Count: 144Pages
Closure: Elastic Band
Colour: Brown
GSM (paper weight): 120
Binding Type: Smyth Sewn
Cover: Hardcover
Edge Printing: Yes
Pouch Type: Memento Pouch
Interior Paper: Custom-designed laid paper
Ribbon Markers: 1
100% recycled binder boards
Decorative printed cover paper
FSC-certified text paper
Threaded stitching and glue, as needed
Acid-free sustainable forest paper